Committed to Excellence
Stafford County Sheriff's Office

Public Safety Center
Ford T. Humphrey Building

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 189
Stafford, VA 22555

Physical Address:
1225 Courthouse Rd.
Stafford, VA 22554


Stafford Alert

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Van Villain Vanquished
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By Major Shawn Kimmitz
January 26, 2024

Who does the Daily Planet call when Superman isn’t available? The Stafford County Sheriff’s Office! A mobile health van for the Richmond based business “Daily Planet Health Services” was recovered yesterday in Stafford County and a suspect was arrested for the theft.

On January 25th at 1:04 p.m. Deputy S.C. Martin responded to the old Carlos O’Kelly’s restaurant at 2860 Richmond Highway for a possible stolen vehicle. An alert Stafford County resident had seen a social media post about the stolen van and recognized it in the parking lot. Deputy Martin located the unoccupied vehicle and called in other Super Heroes to canvas the area.

The deputies observed bottles of Steel Reserve in the stolen van as they began searching the business park. They wouldn’t have to look far (or up, up and away) as Deputy Martin and Deputy G.W. Motley V noticed a suspicious subject walking near the McDonalds and trying to hide behind the dumpster.

As deputies confronted the dumpster diver, they beheld a Steel Reserve bottle in his possession. While this was great evidence, the real Kryptonite was the stolen van key in the suspect’s pocket!

The suspect was identified as Alvaro Garcia, 35, of no fixed address. He was charged with grand larceny and held at the Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond. The stolen van was returned to staff of the Daily Planet who requested a photo of the deputies involved with the case. A huge thank you to the Stafford County resident that alerted us to the stolen van. Great work by the deputies to solve this case faster than a speeding bullet.

Interested in a career protecting Stafford County and fighting for truth, justice and the American way? Contact our Recruiter at 540-658-5204 to learn about our Public Safety Pay Scale and other great benefits.

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