Deputy Assaulted by Juvenile
By PIO Ryan Wilbur
August 24, 2023

An intoxicated juvenile continued his disruptive behavior by not only assaulting a family member in front of a deputy, but turning around and assaulting the deputy as well.

On August 23rd at approximately 5:49 p.m. deputies responded to the Embrey Mill subdivision for a report of a disturbance. The caller advised a juvenile family member was drunk and they had gotten into a verbal argument. She further advised the juvenile had an active detention order.

Deputies arrived at the residence in an attempt to talk with the juvenile. The juvenile, instead of talking, got angry and made the decision to assault his family member in front of a deputy. The deputy quickly attempted to detain the juvenile to prevent further harm, when the juvenile turned around to strike the deputy. After a brief standoff, in which it was clear the juvenile was not backing down, deputies were able to detain the juvenile. Neither the family member or deputy had serious injuries.

Despite being detained, the juvenile continually attempted to lunge at his family member and make several comments towards deputies. He was transported to Juvenile Detention where, once again, his aggressive behavior continued multiple times requiring detention staff to restrain him.

Criminal complaints were filed for assault on law enforcement, domestic assault and battery, obstruction of justice with force, and underage possession of alcohol. He was also served on his existing detention orders.