Days Inn Nightly Assault
By PIO Ryan Wilbur
August 8, 2023

Two Fredericksburg individuals had to change their reservations from the Days Inn to Rappahannock Regional Jail after a verbal argument escalated to an attempted felonious assault.

On August 6th at approximately 9:25 p.m. Deputy A.J. Charoenthep responded to the Days Inn, located at 14 Simpson Road, for an unknown problem. Dispatch received an open line call where someone mentioned a knife being brandished. When Deputy Charoenthep arrived on scene, he made contact with the victim.

The victim advised a male, Mohamed Mahgoub, 32, and a female, Summer-Breeze Shelton, 23, were staying in his room. When the victim no longer wanted them there, he attempted to kick them out. This did not go over well and a verbal argument ensued. During the argument, Mahgoub assaulted the victim, picked up a knife, and lunged towards the victim with it. Luckily, the victim sustained no injuries from the knife attack.

Deputy F.C. O’Neill obtained camera footage of the incident that confirmed what the victim stated. A search of the room resulted in multiple suspected controlled substances being located amidst both Mahgoub and Shelton’s belongings. There was also evidence of the distribution of drugs being conducted by Mahoub.

Mahgoub was charged with attempted malicious wounding, assault and battery, possession of controlled substances, as well as, second offense possession of controlled substances with intent to distribute. Shelton was charged with possession of controlled substances. Mahgoub was held at Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond, while Shelton was held on a $3,000 secured bond.