Intoxicated Disturbance
By PIO Ryan Wilbur
June 21, 2023

A rather confusing incident results in multiple charges being handed out due to an intoxicated crowd preventing Fire and Rescue from doing their job.

On June 17th at approximately 9:19 p.m. deputies responded to Cliff Circle for a call of assistance from Fire and Rescue. While attempting to load a patient into an ambulance, a large crowd gathered causing unsafe circumstances. When deputies arrived, they attempted to detangle the intoxicated mess.

Deputy C.R. Newman was greeted by a man who advised he was black out drunk. He further advised he consumed multiple shots at a party prior to the disturbance. The male was arrested for public intoxication and held at Rappahannock Regional Jail until sober.

As Deputy E.E. West and Deputy R.J. Kemp attempted to discover what occurred, they observed two males yelling and advancing towards each other. Both Deputy West and Deputy Kemp got in between both males to prevent a physical altercation. While both were clearly intoxicated, they advised an assault occurred during a party. Both were charged with public intoxication, as well as, disorderly conduct. They both were held at Rappahannock Regional Jail until sober.

Deputy S. Waheed made contact with a juvenile male who was clearly intoxicated and was found to be in possession of tobacco. His sibling advised they were drinking together prior to the disturbance. While dealing with the intoxicated male and his sibling, Deputy Waheed began to untangle what had occurred with the help of the other deputies. During a birthday party, where alcohol was a factor, one female was assaulted by the juvenile male. The husband of the victim became upset after learning of this and engaged in a verbal argument with the juvenile’s uncle. An argument Deputy West and Deputy Kemp interrupted. The assault resulted in a disturbance that affected what Fire and Rescue was doing.

Deputy Waheed obtained criminal complaints for assault and battery, unlawful consumption of alcohol, and tobacco possession by a minor for the male juvenile. His sibling was issued a summons for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Great work to all deputies involved.